It’s another frazzled Friday evening, and as I’m catching up with an old friend on the phone, amidst a lot of laughter and chit-chat, I can see that although we’ve gone our different ways and now live in different parts of the world, the vibes still ring as good as ever.

Distance may make the heart grow fonder… but only so much. Any more, and we’d all be a richer dozen, phones would ring more often, and the likes of Cupid could have their jobs heartily jeopardized :D

Come to think of it… somewhere between rushing through life and reflecting on a glorious past, are these little sweet nothings… the little frissons that color everything a happier hue… all the ribbing… all those endless talks over coffee… the parties… the silly repartees over emails and sms'es… waking up in the middle of the night to see a new constellation… swotting late into the night… all those trips…

Maybe things are a little different now… maybe life never really comes full circle after all…

Strolling along this rush street of life, however, I can often listen to the unequal music of the street cries ebbing away in the cacophony of existential angst… the fading street cries… the little reminiscences of those fond memoirs of yore… that somewhere down the line… at least for a fleeting moment… I had touched the sky.

I feel taller already.

September 23, 2005